What a low-key Christmas. Honestly, first Christmas ever where I didn't wake up at the ass-crack of dawn to open my presents. I don't know, I like to think of it as the embodiment of my melancholy and self-imposed depression that has plagued me for awhile. The only thing that amplifies it is this image that likes to jump into my mind once in awhile (The image itself is actually kinda LOLworthy, in fact, I'm chuckling to myself thinking about it.) It sends the most peculiar feeling of anxiety, depression, and overall unpleasant-ness when it manages to get into my head. To be honest, I've been growing a lot more tolerant of it too, which I'm displeased with. I mean, I'm running out of mental images that can bring me in a circle of emotional self-destruction here, dammit! Hahaha.
But I digress, my Christmas was otherwise fruitful, jubilant and chock-full of carbohydrates!

Rewind to Christmas eve: Annual Christmas Party...thing at my Ninang and Ninong's house. To put it simply: Food, lots of people I don't know, boredom and a shitload of hyperactive kids. Like, I'm not even kidding, these kids wreak so much havoc, its ridiculous. Especially this little turd:

And I say "turd" in the most endearing and non-offensive way possible. I only call him that because, well, he's insanely hyperactive and childish. Oh well, can't blame him, gotta live it up while you can, right? Anywho, yeah, HE SPIT ON MY FUCKING CAMERA. ARGH. Something I'll never forget for the rest of my life. >:[ Moving on!

Woke up at like 9-ish to open up some presents. Nothing special. And I don't mean to say that to sound like a materialistic douchebag, alright!? Gloves (Which I need, admittedly), T-shirt, Memory Card case (I only have 1, dammit), so yeah, nothing "awesome" (But then again, I got my camera, why am I complaining?)

Hopped in the Suburban, Ubiquitously-Vehicle (That's a Yoda-speak bacronym, mind you) and headed off to PH. Above is an interesting shot that I thought embodied my Christmas season experience. Rainy, deflated and constantly on the move.

You see that bastard? Yeah. We had Lobster for Christmas Lunch. It was quite a fiasco to get them to the table. Apparently, the package carrying them was lost at the FedEx shipping center, and couldn't be located for like, an entire night. Apparently they were found this morning...or last night. I don't know, either way, they ended up in butter, then promptly into my stomach.

My uncle, taking a decidedly more–hands-on approach to getting to the succulent lobster meat. Shelling lobsters is gay, by the way. Seriously, I don't know how to do this shit. -_-

Apparently that green shit–affectionately called the "Tomalley" by its conissieurs, is the Lobster's
Hepatopancreas (Hepat/o-, meaning Liver,
thank you Medical Terminology!) Honestly, that shit looks straight up disgusting. No lie. I cannot even begin to fathom how people get past its look, let alone its taste, given what it is. Egh.
"Dawwwwww!" Yeah. That's my baby cousin. She kicks ass. TAKE THAT CLARISSE HAH!

My other cousin. I seriously took this picture within a 45 second-span of sunlight that decided to break through the upstairs window and shine upon my cousin, who was playing with his Bakugan things. To quote my Uncle: "Hey! Quick, Matt, take a picture of Nick while he's under the God-light!" LOL

My grandma with her Christmas gift from us. I look like a badass in that picture, I'm sorry. :]

Those Bakugan Brawler things. Pretty ingenious, really! The design of those little marble-figurines is pretty interesting. They pop out when they rest upon trading cards with magnets in em. Trading cards
and toys? Quick, give the man who invented this shit a Nobel Awesome Prize.

My sister got a pretty badass Hello Kitty vinyl toy. I want these! They're like 7 bucks though, and I have to go to Urban Outfitters to get them. I swear, that store gets awesomer everytime I hear word of it/go there.

Me looking like a total asshole in my family portrait from my other grandma's house in Scripps Ranch. Yeah, I had just awoken from a nap and was bitchy. I tend to do that. >_> My maternal grandparent's Christmas gig was a distinctly more quiet affair. It was nice though, a good change of pace considering the two previous outings were really loud and fast-paced. I feel bad, because I took a nap for like an hour or so. :/ Oh well, I spent like another hour and a half in a good state. So yeah. I guess its okay? :|

After my grandma's, we stopped by my Uncle Mark's house, which isn't too far away. He keeps a bitchin' salt-water aquarium stocked with two Clown fish. They were too fidgety for me to get a good picture of, but I got a really nice shot of this sea anenome shit. If only it weren't so grainy and noisy! O:<

(I don't know either.)
But anyways! You may have noticed that my photos this this post were a lot warmer in tone (okay, more RED.) Yeah, I kinda like photos that are like that. I was trying to counter-act the blue flourescence that the damn lamps were giving off. Today was nice. I hope this weekend will be the same. I've got some post-Christmas shopping to do, what with recieving like 90 bucks in total. Can you say new pair of Half-Cabs?! Yeah, I can! Whooo! Haha. I'm kinda excited. Plussssss, I'm getting new drumheads, since the pack of heads I received today weren't the right sizes. Also, I think I'm going to be travelling way up north over the weekend. Something like Santa Monica? Oh man, I feel a Photo extravaganza coming up!
Can you feel it too?
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