Monday, December 22, 2008

And the Beat Goes On

Christmas! Such a grand time of the year! What, with mass consumerism, religious fanaticism and hundreds of megawatts of energy wasted on animated lawn deer and "icicle" lights. (Eh, I can't really complain about the last one, because they kick ass)

But as usual, all the festivity is squandered on the fact that, simply, it doesn't feel like Christmas. And so, my dad, in a last ditch effort to find that lost sensation within himself, dragged us all out to Julian to see the Winter's white coat. It was nice, aside from eating complete shit after sliding on Black Ice trying to cross to street, fuck, that hurt. We found a nice secluded hill and I went to town. Needless to say, dressing in a hoodie, cotton gloves, a pair of Vans and jeans is the LAST thing you want to wear while bombing a hill head-first down a mostly snow covered hill.

But yeah, today was great. Went to NEX North Island and picked up this bastard:

It was a total surprise, had no idea why we were heading there in the first place. I just walk up to my dad in the electronics section staring intently at all the cameras; that's when I realized what was going on. Oh, and the girl behind the counter? Fucking cute.

After that we ended up at Roy's in La Jolla. GRS's annual Christmas outing. My dad and all the uncles got drunk running up the bill to like, what was it, like $1500? Something like that. Apparently it was all on the tab, and that allowed us to get two entrees each. I got the Porkchop and Filet Mignon, which, regretfully, I don't have pictures of. It was DELICIOUS. Om nom nom nom nom...

After that, we headed to my Uncle Robert's house, who among other things, is rich as all balls. It was then that I actually broke out my camera.

Ugh, I seriously hate how harsh the built-in flash makes every face (hell, EVERYTHING) look in the end. Oh well. I'll have to learn ways to work around it.

Tomorrow should be fun! Shopping, then PAYO's Christmas party at Risse's! I'll be bringing my baby along with me, so there'll be plenty to show afterwards. :D

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