Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Junior Kickstart

This dang Anime has gotten to me. Suzumiya Haruhi no Yūutsu, or, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya is probably my new favorite anime, and the one that has gotten the most attention from me. And it's a Shojo at that! I think the reason as to why I'm so keen to it is because its main protagonist, Kyon. To give you a summary, he's your average Freshman caught in a series of mishappenings triggered by the attractive yet odd girl by the name of Haruhi. Long story short, she forms the SOS brigade in the hopes of keeping herself entertained at the expense of the sanity of others. Another drawing point that I'd like to point out as well is its absolutely awesome ending sequence featuring the main characters in a silly dance entitled the "Hare Hare Yukai". Its circulation is worldwide, with people performing near flawlessly at cons all over the world. Possibly the most circulated video is the one featuring a bunch of 2ch junkies strutting their stuff in the heart of Akihabara, Tokyo, Japan. Their performance, however is brought to halt by some of the popo. Yeah. I favorited it on Youtube.

This loosely brings me to another meme brought about by the likings of an otaku imageboard - Rickroll. Okay, imagine this, a buddy of yours IM's you telling you to check out this awesome video of a guy doing something crazy. He provides you with an unsuspecting youtube link. You oblige and click it, and you're suddenly whisked away to the craptastic music video for Rick Astley's '80's classic "Never Gonna Give You Up" Congratulations! You just got Rickroll'd.

It's certainly become a fad, what, with this being the advent of Web 2.0 and social networking.

Now, If you're an above average Intarweb surfer, you're probably exposed to many instances of links of the dreaded Rickroll video without even knowing it. They're there. Just sitting there waiting for you like a dreaded AWP camper on de_dust. Just waiting for you to click on them. And when you finally do, you'll become filled with feelings of anguish and frustration, so much so that you'll express it using comments usually explaining who just Rickroll'd you and from where they hailed. I mean with opening lyrics like "...You know the rules, and so do I...", who wouldn't? Personally, I think the whole fad is hilarious. I like the song actually, even though its ridiculously cheesy. And when I do get Rickroll'd, I usually just let the video play and listen to the song. Hell, I'm listening to it now. I think what's most interesting about this fad is its explosive spread in recent months. Even Family Guy did a play on it. And if you think about it, Seth Macfarlane Rickroll'd america. Yeah, he's definitely a /b/tard.

With an otherwise boring day, I leave you with this, an interesting video interpretation of Daft Punk's Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger. One of my favorite songs, its a good representation. Very fun to watch, I might add.

1 comment:

Jay said...

ahha nah man dont worry.