Tuesday, June 19, 2007

A Bay Bay!

Aww snap! My first post! I swear, when I was imagining all of this earlier this afternoon, I had a pretty good idea of what I would put in my first post. But now, here I am. Sitting in my bedroom, lights dimmed, brother laying on bed watching TV and listening to some Downtempo. I totally forgot what I was to post about. Until I remember (Which probably won't happen), lemme give you a quick rundown of the topics that you should expect in this blog!
  • Observations and opinions on all things Pop Culture, Internet, Tech, politics and people.
  • An open journal to the world cataloging the many trials and tribulations of my life.
  • A daily chronology of my summer break, and the upcoming school year and possibly those that follow.
  • Up to date descriptions of the antics that me and my friends manage to routinely pull.
Why anyone would really care is beyond me, but its always been a personal ambition of mine to have a blog for me to spill my thoughts and feelings. Not one of those watered down, tacked on blogs you can find on social networking such as Xanga (Which everyone had when I was in 6th grade) and the crappy ones that are built into Myspace profiles (Which aren't really used for much other than posting shoutouts, surveys, and small tidbits about oneself.) But I do hope I'll at least find a small audience of school friends and perhaps even family members who manage to stumble upon this little blog of mine.

And so, I'm excited for this blog, for it will provide me at the very least, something to do this summer. Something to be responsible for during a time where I'll be at my laziest.

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