Friday, January 11, 2008

I don't trust myself

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh. For fucks sake, do I feel like shit! I fucking told myself it was over, now what? This shit is so fucking gay. I can't fucking function right now. If it weren't for this 2 fags in vent I would be in full fucking emotional breakdown mode right now.

Someone build me a bridge, BECAUSE I CAN'T FUCKING GET OVER THIS SHIT.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

You're not alone

So, she went onto bigger, better things. She's got ambitions, shes got aspirations, and she's got her shit together. I figured I'd just step aside (Not that I was even initializing anything, nor were there many implications!). To put it simply, I folded; My desires weren't in the cards, and even if I still decided to play my hand, it likely wouldn't come out pretty. My social ineptitude is mostly to blame, but hey, its alright, its all good, its all there.

On another note, it's a new year! New semester! A clean slate for all of us to polish or deface. Personally, I'm quite happy with my new schedule. A kick ass 1-3 block day that I really have no other choice but to praise. Here's my typical block day:

1st period: Chemistry 1 with Ms. Fresquez
  • Enviroment: Awkward, silent. No body EVER talks. PERFECT way to start off a day.
  • Friends in class: Aside from Liiz and that one guy Joseph, I've got no one to talk to, which is okay since no one fucking talks anyway.
2nd period: English AC with Mrs. Bshara
  • Enviroment: Fun, spontaneous. We are sooooooo fucking loud in that class, all we do is talk and insult each other ("Hi my names Jon and I'm a complete FRUHTCAYKE.")
  • Friends: No shortage here. I've got Joe, GJ, Josh, Patrick, Louie and Alex to talk to. And Judith, Danielle and Allyson. Aside from them, its a complete sausage fest.
3rd period: PE with Coach Tropp
  • Enviroment: Pretty cool. We're outside (duh) and I've got friends abound.
  • Friends: DREAM TEAM! Haha. With John Mina, Daniel, Oscar, Ralph, Paolo and Brandon in this class, it couldn't get any better.
So, basically all of my classes are fun filled, hilarious and totally worthwhile. 4-6 block days are a different story. I don't even wanna go there. Ginang, then Geometry. Those are usually downers. Mr. Smith is cool and all, but that doesn't hide the fact that math is still gay. 6th period Cronin is usually my ONLY highlight of the day. It's usually hilarious, Cronin going off on students, idiotic people, me and Josh cracking jokes left and right. It cheers me up before I head home.

I have high hopes for this year. I really do. I'm aiming high, I've got my chin up and I'm not taking and I'm not going to take any BS. I'm going to be all business.

k, I can't write no more. I give up.